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4 Reasons Not to Leave That Stump in Your Yard

A stump that needs to be removed and ground up with a stump grinder

If you’ve had trees removed in the past, you were given two choices: Remove the stump, or leave it.

While quite a handful of customers leave their stump “to save money,” many find themselves coming back years down the line to remove it.

Sometimes it’s because the tree started to grow again and other times the stump catches a disease.

One thing is clear though:

The customers who wait to remove their stumps end up paying more when they do than if they had requested to have their stump removed when the company first removed the tree.

So if you think not ignoring your stump is going to save you time and money, think again. 

Today we'll be giving you four reasons you should never ignore a stump in your yard.

Stumps Are Great For Pests and Infestations

A stump in the front yard that has been infested with tons of insects and other pesticides.

Harboring a hidden haven for pests and insects is one of the biggest reasons many people end up grinding their stumps.

When customers decide to leave a stump in place, they forget about the life cycle of the tree. 

Now that the tree is dead, the stump may linger up to a decade. For most, after a few years, the stump starts decomposing with the help of tiny organisms until the stump is completely dead.

You may find ants moving in along with beetles, termites, wood wasps, snakes, rodents, and fungi. 

By that point, the stump has been infested, and it is only a matter of time before it starts rotting and breaking into pieces.

Having stumps like these in front of your home is like leaving hideous Christmas decorations up. Everyone notices it, but not many will say anything about it.

Tree Stumps Pose A Safety Hazard

A stump in the front yard that poses a great anger to kids and other people that are walking in the area.

This may not be an obvious reason, and not many people think about it, but this is especially true if you have younger children who enjoy spending time outside.

Anyone who is clumsy enough to fall is clumsy enough to get hurt because of this stump. 

They could fall and break an arm; Or fall and break a leg. The possibilities for injuries are endless.

Even when you have your property maintenance guy coming over, they’ll have to work around it.

They’ll have to use their weed whacked to go around the stump, which will slow down their work, and leave you with a great-looking property that has an ugly and possibly dangerous stump in your yard.

Stumps Take Up Space and Aesthetics

A stump after a tree removal that needs to be removed and has been scheduled for a stump grinding.

Let’s be honest: stumps take up a lot of valuable yard space.

You know that if that stump was not there you could start some smaller projects to increase your property space.

Stumps are not only holding you back from creating the beautiful outdoor space you’ve always dreamed of but are also considered an eyesore that reduces the curb appeal and property value of your home.

The solution for this is simple: 

Remove the stumps and repurpose the space with a flower bed, a picnic table, or a patio set. Or just leave it open. At least it will no longer pose a threat to your kids and their friends.

Stumps Can Damage Your Property

A stump's root system that has become overgrown and is now destructing things around the property.

When stumps are left untouched, the roots will sometimes continue growing even after the stump has been removed. 

If this happens, the roots can and will eventually reach other areas of your home and your landscape. It’ll wrap around and crack pipes, it’ll lift pavement on patios, sidewalks, and driveways and it’ll even crack your home’s foundation.

This might be of surprise to you…

…but the point is that while leaving a stump may seem like a money-savvy and smart choice, it can cause many troubles that will cost you more than simply removing the stump will.


Take action before it’s too late. 

If you’re the type of person who likes to get rid of their problems as soon as possible, deciding on whether you should or should not grind your stump should not be a hard choice.

But if you’re still unsure of what to do after you have read all of this, there is only two paths you can take: Remove the stump right after cutting a tree or wait a few years, along with the possible consequences, and see what happens.

Remember, you don’t have to grind your stump right after a tree removal service, but it is the smarter decision out of both of them.


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